Writing A Love Letter to YOU

Ka De Wo
Nov 4, 2020


O’ let me count the ways I love thee…

Write a love letter to yourself.

2 months ago I downloaded the 21 Days app to establish some new healthy habits. The app is basic and bomb; there are several created challenges to join that come with daily reminders. There are Gratitude, Study, Exercise, Eating and Couple challenges. One can also create their own challenges, all while earning points to buy accessories for your profile avatar. I like it and have participated in 5 challenges thus far. One of the challenge categories I chose is Mental Wellness. Last week one of the daily challenges was to write myself a love letter, which I have not done yet. As I continue spending time thinking about what I want to say to myself, I turn to you Dear Reader.

If you were writing yourself a love letter what would you include? Would you write to yourself about the physical, intellectual, emotional, financial, spiritual sides of you? Would you include your flaws? To love oneself fully means to embrace the flaws we’ve recognized and accepted. Would it be counter productive to include those flaws?? What are you thoughts?

Mood: Free Mind — Tems



Ka De Wo

Joy & Self-care advocate. Author of life’s revelations. Blogger: https://daretoeducatethem