Reflections: Checking In With Yourself!

Taking Time to Recognize the Check Points

Ka De Wo
2 min readNov 8, 2020

One thing I know for sure is that life will give you moments to stop and reflect. Somewhere along the way, I started referring to these short periods as check points. These moments serve multiple purposes. In my opinion, the two key points for check points are: having a better understanding of yourself and how you interact with others - specifically family and friends; and taking inventory of whether you handled a themed situation in a new or the same way. For example, when you are visiting with your nuclear family and a touchy subject inevitably is brought up in conversation, do you face the situation with the predictable co-dependent, passive-aggressive, or other non-helpful responses? Or did you make a choice to break the cycle with a new, appropriate response that is alignment with the person you are actively working towards becoming? I have been actively working on setting better boundaries around family gossip. Constant are the check points that arise on a weekly basis. Maybe you know exactly what I’m talking about and have your own label for check points. Share if you dare.

When was the last time you experienced a check point?

Play: I Choose — India.Arie



Ka De Wo

Joy & Self-care advocate. Author of life’s revelations. Blogger: https://daretoeducatethem