Are You a LOVE Addict???

Ka De Wo
2 min readNov 6, 2020


Did You Know People Can Be Addicted to Love?

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Yooo…I just found out that I am a SERIAL MONOGAMIST! No joke. I discovered this! WTF! For as long as my friends can remember, I have always had a significant other. I think the longest I have been single, as an adult, is about 7 months. (Yes, I’m currently in a relationship. Don’t judge me!) My co-therapists declared years ago, “you are addicted to relationships”. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Why didn’t I hear them then?? Maybe I wasn’t ready. Or perhaps I just couldn’t process the information the way I am now. In my introspection of this latest news, I have also realized that I am addicted to feeling something…sad, infatuation, obsessed, valued, appreciated — I can go on. But I’ll stop.
Why am I spilling my tea all over your screen you say??? Well, I feel the need to share because I don’t want you Dear Reader to waste anymore time on a lesson you could have learned YEARS AGO, if you only had the info.
So how did I find this out?? Well…it all started when I made a New Year’s resolution to find at least one podcast to follow in 2020. I have found a few good ones, like The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema and Crime Junkie. Recently, on Spotify I found Shena Tubbs’ Black Girls Heal podcast. After listening to episode #69: The 4 Types of Love Addicts, I attended one of her webinars and honnneeyy I learned so much more about my relationship patterns and behaviors. It was as if several years of self-discovery were revealed in an hour. It was truly an eyeopener and for real-for real if I am being 100% honest with myself, I fit into all 4 categories y’all! ALL.4.CATEGORIES!! SMDH. ?&$@! It’s messed up and I’ve hurt a lot of people (and myself) because of my addiction. *PROCESSING*

The positive and powerful in this is that it’s not something that has to remain my truth if I choose to do better. Once I move pass the initial shock of these revelations I will continue on my healing journey. That is all. Good day!

Play: Faith Evans — I Love You

Check out ep. 69 and let me know if you identify with any of the 4 types. Share if you dare Melissa A. Rowe, MEd Dr. Lina Richardson Ivori Campbell Saeediarthompson Leah Njoki Marley K. Jennifer Baker.



Ka De Wo

Joy & Self-care advocate. Author of life’s revelations. Blogger: https://daretoeducatethem